
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

I saw a man today, dressed for fall
Maybe this outfit the sportcoat had said something different in his day
It was a gray suit with length on the arms, the legs 

He was wearing sporty sunglasses pressed down on his nose revealing his age
The sagging of skin around his eyes 

The one thing he gave me was the greasy eye, you know the one 
That says he is open to trouble but if questioned would cackle as if you were the crazy one 

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

I wedged his dark face in close to mine 
Cheek to cheekbone
I threw my motherly arms around his shoulders, I held tight.
We were hunched over walking forward through the parking lot like soldiers. He had lost both matches. 

“You could be a great wrestler or a bad wrestler, win or lose, and we would still like you.” I said.
“I know that,” he said.

But, I could feel his smile on my palm.