
Thursday, May 4, 2017

Grandma and Grandpa : what really happened

Even the most profound people 
The people who have taught you how to stand and held your hands between theirs 
The people you have physically watched age

The people who have fed you and encouraged you to get education and have even paid part of your tuition can make mistakes 

Even they can 
Overdress for a woman who is not their wife 
And deliberately plan to leave all of it behind 

Even they can fantasize about a life that is not their own
And once this plan is found out
Once everything falls apart 
And you are still left with three children 
And the woman you almost betrayed 

You can spend the next 41 years of marriage suffering under her wrath
Rubbing her ankles and fetching her medication and standing next to her hospital bed as she tries to die 


Bitterness can kill you too
If you cannot let it free
It can sit quietly destroying you inside your ribcage as you feed it 
Slowly it can climb into your bones 
And turn your eyes 
And build fluid around your heart 
They can call it heart failure 

Everyone else can just think you are stubborn and quietly they say it under your breath "she's a stubborn old bird" as you toss your medication across the room and threaten the nurse if she tries again 

Nobody knows you have 
Lived and breathed 41 years with a man who once tried to walk out 

Everyone thinks you stopped sleeping with him all these years ago because of the snoring 

But really it was because of her. 


There are two sides to every story. 

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Thank you so much for taking the time to say a lil sumthin! Im so grateful that you even read my words and I hope they inspire and draw you closer to Jesus!